
Summary Outline

Rachel Cruz,Ramsy的个人最佳拍档,是一位自称的节俭金钱专家,在节目中与主持人George进行了一场“节俭还是奢侈”的游戏。



  • 停车:Rachel选择5分,认为方便性很重要,愿意为代客泊车付费,而George选择1分,更愿意寻找免费停车位。
  • 健身:Rachel选择3分,因为她虽然拥有少量健身器材,但会聘请私人教练,而George选择1分,因为他不经常锻炼,并利用免费的在线资源。
  • 房屋:Rachel选择3分,认为他们的房子虽然不错,但并非奢华,而George选择4分,认为他们已经努力攒钱购买了房子。
  • 书籍:Rachel选择5分,因为她喜欢购买新书,并且认为支持作者很重要,而George选择2分,因为他会利用图书馆和电子书。
  • 服装:Rachel选择2分,因为她主要在亚马逊、Old Navy和Target购物,而George选择3分,因为他喜欢高质量的品牌,但会等待打折。
  • 杂货:Rachel选择3分,因为她会购买Publix品牌商品,并使用Instacart送货服务,而George选择2分,因为他会购买打折商品,并尽可能节省开支。
  • 旅行:Rachel选择5分,因为她喜欢享受奢华旅行,而George选择3分,因为他曾经住过Airbnb的合租房间,但现在更愿意选择更舒适的住宿。
  • 手机计划:Rachel没有参与讨论,但主持人推荐了T-Mobile的无限数据计划,价格低廉。
  • 汽车:Rachel选择3分,因为她有一辆小型货车和一辆特斯拉,而George选择4分,因为他拥有更经济实惠的车辆。
  • 个人护理:Rachel选择5分,因为她会定期做头发和修剪胡须,并使用高端护肤品,而George选择2分,因为他使用普通护肤品。
  • 外出就餐:Rachel选择3分,因为她喜欢尝试不同的餐厅,但也会选择经济实惠的选择,而George选择3分,因为他喜欢快餐,但也会享受偶尔的美食。
  • 音乐会和活动:Rachel选择2分,因为她会参加免费或折扣的活动,而George选择5分,因为他愿意为喜欢的音乐会支付高价。
  • 咖啡:Rachel选择5分,因为她喜欢单一产地的精品咖啡,而George选择1分,因为他喜欢简单的黑咖啡。




Detailed Transcript

[音乐] 欢迎回来,大家要求我们再次邀请我的个人最佳拍档,来自Ramsy的Rachel Cruz女士。

嗯,我从未进过这里,George,我从未进过这个房间。嗯,感谢邀请。我想我在邮件里迷路了,当他们告诉我时,我说他要让我进录音室,哦,天哪。无论如何,感谢邀请我,这是我的荣幸。你在《百万富翁与咖啡》中表现得很棒,所以我们那次是在路上录制的,但你从未正式在录音室录制过gkt节目。有些人已经录制过了,但对你来说,这很公平。我们有我们自己的节目,就在走廊那边拍摄,Smart Money Happy Hour,所以我们经常在一起。我们认为,我们今天会进行一点比赛,好的,嘿,看看Fishbowl,通过比赛,在你兴奋之前,想象一下,少些运动员,多些数学家,好吧。今天节目中不会有汗水,不会有那种比赛。Rachel是我们的精神领袖,我们的友谊,我们的街头信誉。

作为自称的节俭金钱专家,我们今天要找出这是否是真的。是的,因为你是一个你是一个节俭的Buie,我可能会这样评价自己,但我们会的,这是相反的,是阴阳互补,好的,在我们开始之前,给一些爱给我们的特别嘉宾,点击喜欢和订阅按钮,让她知道你很高兴她在这里。所以,如果你不知道,Rachel刚刚庆祝了她15年的Ramsy对抗赛,所以她在这里已经有很长时间了,她是一位畅销书作者,Ramsey个性,她有自己的节目,The Rachel Cruz Show,与我共同主持Smart Money Happy Hour,她还写了一些惊人的儿童书籍以及多年来的成人书籍,我为你所有的成功感到非常自豪。哦,谢谢George,一个朋友,这很有趣,这很有趣。所以,今天的游戏是“节俭还是奢侈”,这就是它的工作原理:我们这里有一个碗,我们将从碗中挑选一个预算类别,你将根据从1到5的等级给自己打分,1代表非常节俭,5代表非常奢侈。我们将有评论,然后我们的团队会记分,所以会有奖品,看谁更节俭或奢侈。是的,我不知道目标是什么。Are you trying to win in bougie, or are you trying to win in frugal? We’ll see. Do I go first? Special guest goes first. Here we go. Read the card. Oh, public parking. Are you frugal or bougie when it comes to parking? And I know the answer, so you can’t lie.

I’m going five. She’s a five. Explain. I am about convenience in life. That’s where I put my money: convenience. So if valet is more convenient, I’m going valet. When is valet not more convenient? I know, like if it’s more convenient, but I will not circle a block eight times to find free parking. Not my jam.

Alright, I’m going five. I’m going five and unashamed. That’s the right answer for Rachel. I’m going one. I am that guy who will circle the block. I will find the self-park if there is self-parking. I will take it every time. Listen, God gave me legs. I can hustle, too. I’ll run to the car, and I’ll bring it. I’ll drive it up front for Whitney. That’s the kind of shiv chiv is not dead. I’m very charming.

Alright, next up: Fitness. Are you frugal or bougie when it comes to fitness, Rachel?

Okay, you know what? I got uh, I also know the answer to this. I’m going three because, are you ready for this? Okay, I am frugal when it comes to, like, the equipment. Like, I don’t need a ton. Like, I need maybe a couple of sets of weights, some bands, and I’m good to go. But where I’m not, like a one, because of it, is I do like to have a trainer. And that’s a so is that fair, or is that four? Does a trainer outweigh like equipment?

Well, you don’t have a gym membership, no. Okay, and you don’t really own much equipment, so there is money saving there, even though a trainer is expensive. But how often are you doing it? Three times a week. Yeah, three times a week. Okay, I’ll give you a three on that. Okay, thanks. That feels right. That feels like a good solid. I’m letting you know that’s generosity on my part.

Okay, this one is rigged because I am, I’m a one because I don’t do it. I don’t do it. I don’t pay for anything. Uh, my brother just added me to the like family account for his Peloton, so I have access to the videos. I will never watch said videos, but I’m sure they’re great. I’m sure they’re great. And Whitney just found a great YouTube, like fitness thing, like free, you know, 25-minute fitness for beginners thing. So, I’m like, great, that’s that’s my version of I’ll take it if it’s free. The last time I exercised was never.

Alright, your home. Oh, frugal or bougie on a home. All right, what’s your…在2019年,我们建造了自己的家。为了这个目标,我们节省了大约10年的时间。这是一个长远的计划,我们尽力而为,制定了预算,不得不削减一些开销。但最终,我们实现了我们想要的——在这个房子里住上20年以上。你可能会问,我给自己的家打多少分?我想,如果我必须在心中给自己一个评分,我会说,如果世界末日来临,我们所有人都在寻找食物和其他生存必需品,我可能不得不卖掉我的房子来维持生计。在这种情况下,我可能会搬到一个更小的房子,或者公寓,甚至是公寓大楼。我认为,我的尊严不会因此而受损,我的自尊心并不依赖于它。这是否有道理?是的,所以我想给自己一个评分。



Le: And say we’re both a four. I think that’s fair. I think that’s a fair assessment.

Host: Alright, next up, that feels great. I love you’re you’re actually might be sweating bullets over this. Okay, I feel like this was rigged against Rachel from the start.

Next Participant: Next up, we have books. Is buying a book considered bougie? You tell me, yeah. If buying a book is bougie, I’m a five. I don’t do the library, I don’t do Kindle. I buy books off Amazon because I support authors who work hard to produce great things out into the world, and I will support them. So, I’m a selfless five.

Host: A selfless five, you can’t add adjectives now, okay? So, how often do you buy a book? Once a week, I’d say once every two weeks, probably.

Next Participant: Buy in two or three months, two books a month. We’re talking I don’t know, 30, 40 bucks.

Host: Oh, God, cheaper than that. Mine are like $9. Alright, so what does that mean? It doesn’t mean it’s not a judgment call. No, four or five. I’ll give you a four.

Next Participant: Okay, I don’t think just for the fact you buy two books a month, you know, yeah, perfect.

Host: Alright, I’m going to go two because I do buy the occasional book. I don’t read them all that often, but I do like to try to use the Libby app and I’ll get free books from the library through that digitally, things like that. I don’t mind buying a used book if I can save some coin.

Next Participant: Yeah, that’s good. There you go. Alright, next.

Host: Clothes. This one’s dangerous because to me, bougie is the type of clothes, not the quantity. Okay, so I’m going two. Wow, mhm.

Fashionista: Fashionista claims she’s a two. I’m Amazon, Old Navy, Target. That’s fair. Are you guys good with a two on there? We going, we good with a two?

Host: I am not a—I don’t go to boutiques and stuff, you know. That’s fair. I’ve never seen you go a boutique whenever I’m at the—you may have nicer quality. That may be true. I’ll put myself at a three because I’m very frugal. I like quality brands but I wait for the sales. I’ll find the promo codes, yep, you know.

Host: And I’m pretty simple, you know. Like, you don’t look at me and go, “Wow, that guy must have some money to dress like that.” It’s very simple. It’s a t-shirt, it’s black jeans, yep, you know.

Host: Let’s do another one here.

Next Participant: Groceries. So, your every dollar budget in the groceries line item, would you consider yourself bougie or frugal? That’s a tough one. Are we talking brands? Are we talking the amount spent?

Host: I know I’m going two and a half. Wow, I’m going half. I didn’t know you could do that.

Please note that the original transcript had several unclear sections and potential errors. The revised version attempts to correct these based on the context and standard English usage, especially in the real estate and lifestyle context.Sometimes, you can’t play by the rules. I don’t shop at bougie grocery stores. I guess Publix is Publix. B is Publix bougie. I think it’s higher tier. Yeah, it’s not your old Publix, but it’s not your Whole Foods. No, I’m going three. I think three would be fair because I’m like I’m public brand and I do Instacart. I do delivery. That does add a point to the scale. I know, I know, but I buy a ton of Publix brand stuff. Like, I’m not looking for like some fancy schmancy food, okay?

Well, I do. I applaud you for like you get the cookbook out, you find the recipes, and you’re making the meals. Yeah, we do. I cook a lot. Yes, we cook. I respect that. Thanks.

Somers tonight. Dang, I know I’m very excited about it actually. Send invite, Winston. Ready to wrap this thing up so I can go. You’re a three. I’m going to go. I’ll go two.

Okay, here’s why: I usually only shop what’s on sale. Oh yeah, that’s frugal. And when I do Instacart, I choose the stores that have the same prices in store. Yes, so like I did this this weekend for Sprouts, and not only did I do that, I picked it up, yeah, to save. I mean, to save $10. It’s fair. All right, that’s fair.

Travel. All right, how do you rate yourself from bougie to frugal, 1 to 5? It’s okay to be honest, there’s no wrong answers. I know it’s a five. I’m going to go five. I’m going to go five. It’s the one, it’s out of all these categories besides books. Yeah, we come on guys, do better than books. It’s the one place I will spend. Yeah, I’m going to go three. I think I used to be a two, but my never again moment was I rented an Airbnb that was a shared room for Whitney and I, while other people were living there in this little condo in Panama City Beach. We just had one of the rooms in this little condo. That’s right. I do remember you’re talking about this, and I still have shame about it. Clearly, so I’ve moved up to a three from a two.

Okay, I think I’m a three because I like the luxury experiences, but I’m willing to—I’m not going full luxury and I’m also going to like try to get a deal, like I’m doing the Priceline Express with the travel. Arrow to you know, my travel hacks.

All right, before we continue with the game, I got to ask you: are you frugal or bougie with your phone plan? And if you’re bougie, I can help you save some money here with T-Mobile, one of the sponsors of today’s show. It is easy to be frugal because they have plans for as low as five bucks and up to 25 bucks for the unlimited everything plan.如果你想要,你可以保留你的高端手机,同时保留你的电话号码,这样你就拥有了节俭和奢华的完美融合。

Fuie Plus T 提供灵活的计划和无合同束缚,所以转换非常容易。实际上,我在家穿着睡衣只用了1分钟就注册了。所以,访问 t.com/Jorge,你可以在第一个月的服务中额外获得 $5 的折扣,享受 T 的无限数据计划。或者点击下面的描述链接。

而我们正在谈论的另一个赞助商是 Delete Me,你们都知道他们,他们在 Smart Money Happy Hour 加入了我们。Delete Me 的好处在于,他们可以在数百个数据经纪人网站上找到并移除你的个人信息,为你节省数小时的时间,你可以用这些时间去享受奢华。


当你访问 joindeleteme.com/George 时,你可以在你的任何计划上获得 20% 的折扣,所以去看看,或者点击描述中的链接。


哦,哦,我又得到了她。我现在知道了,我有三个原因,因为我有一辆小型货车。George 说,当我说我有一辆小型货车时,你不是在开一辆小型货车,对吧?


好吧,我们走吧,我们走吧,四分,真是一场激烈的比赛,但那辆小型货车真的让我站在了节俭的立场上。你的是不是全黑的,像被谋杀了一样?不,不是那样的。这就是孩子们所说的“被谋杀了”,就是全黑的,黑在黑上,黑在黑上,轮辋上,每一个细节都是黑色的。我觉得你得去白色的小型货车。White on white tires wait. I don’t know why we have to go all the same color on everything. Listen, it’s the opposite of “murdered out.” I’m living out. You’re living in. I’m living out in my white minivan. Ain’t no shame in the minivan.

If you’re four, then I think I’ll go three. I used to be like a one, but Whitney has a nice one. Dave Ramsey would make fun of my car live on the Ramsey Show and be like, “George, you got to get a new one. Your bumper’s hanging off; you’re embarrassing me.” I was like, “All right, fine. I’ll upgrade.”

So we waited until our house was paid off to even upgrade my ’09 Honda Civic with the bumper hanging off, and even then, I got a decade-old Tesla that I love. But more recently, we got my wife an upgrade. She deserves it. She got a newer, still used, but a newer luxury SUV, and she loves it. So for that, I can’t say I’m a one. You know, no, you’re not a one. But can I tell you, it hurt my heart to write that check. That’s a lot of money to spend on a vehicle. That’s true. Cars are expensive.

All right, here we go: self-care. Haircuts, products, skin care. I’m going low maintenance for myself. I know you could use just whatever, you know, Garnier Fructis. I don’t know what you’re into these days. I do that. That’s what I give myself. The only, like, bougie thing I do is my shampoo. I do have nice shampoo. Okay, if you’re a two, I’m going to just be generous and give myself a five.

Oh, I hope you would, George. This is an honest cut every two weeks, the beard bomb. You have to check your travel because there’s a lot of toiletries. Toiletries. I was like, “I got to have my loofah.” That’s weird, man.

All right, eating out. Who’s your frugal? I’m going to go three, okay. I can go Chick-fil-A. I can go steakhouse, kind of happy either way, and you don’t care really either way. Well, I might even say Chick-fil-A, Taco Bell. Whoa, that goes a little too far. I can go fast food and be happy. I really can. I’m great.

Eating out, I would say I’m going to go three with you, yeah. You split, though. I do like that. That’s where I’m like, “I’m not that bougie, ‘cuz I split.” I’ll try, like, if there’s a coupon, I will use it. But I also enjoy, you know, a nice meal out if it’s worth it. Yeah, there’s nothing worse than spending a lot of money and then it being mediocre. I know, versus like Taco Bell, you know what you’re getting. You know, no one’s ever like, “I can’t believe I spent eight bucks.

你知道,就像你知道自己要投入什么一样, 音乐会和活动,哦,好的,我得到了我的答案。 我不擅长这些,嗯,这不是我的…… 这不是我花钱或花时间的方式。

你刚刚参加了一个音乐会,SL活动。 是的,因为票是免费给我的,所以我去了。 那感觉像是在“布吉”(bougie)尺度上的六分之一, 你不再为那些我不会付钱去做的事情付钱。 这是公平的,我不会去那些地方,因为人们只是给我免费的东西。

你去过泰勒·斯威夫特的演唱会两次,有一次是免费的。 不,不是的,我付了相当多的钱,虽然不是很多。 好的,但当我去的时候,我喜欢……哦,我想要好座位。 是的,所以两次,我会去两次。她是两个。 你呢?你,呃,是五,我会去两次。 真的吗?我以为你像……如果你知道我关于我的《宋飞正传》(Seinfeld)票的故事, 我不会支付超过实际票价的费用。 好的,如果我可以避免支付Ticket Master的费用等等, 所以我找到了低于零售价的票,最后一刻通过付出很多努力, 花了几个小时,这是公平的,这是公平的。

所以我是这样的,我是二分之一,我真的……我不是愿意花很多钱, 除非这是我最喜欢的乐队,所有时间里我付出最多的, 大约是300美元去看Blink 182,但那是全包的, 像无限畅饮、食物、好座位,和约翰·德洛尼(John Deloney)还有我的朋友们, 这感觉是值得的,我的朋友们说服了我,所以就是这样。

好的,最后一个,咖啡,你是一分,我是一分, 给我一杯纯黑咖啡,不加任何东西, 从希尔顿到如果你的是希尔咖啡壶, 我可能不会,不,我们不用酒店的咖啡机, 我们已经讨论过这个问题很多次了,我们不这么做。

但是,是的,给我华夫屋(Waffle House)的咖啡, 给我,我不在乎,我是很棒的,我喜欢小餐馆的咖啡, 所以你得去,我是五分,你一定是五分,因为我知道得太多了, 我想要单一产地的,我想要新鲜的咖啡豆, 你知道,我只是很讲究,这在我的房子里是不允许的,请把它扔给一只猫。

是或不是,是否应该讲究或节俭,不,不,你知道, 这就像你……这都是关于你能负担得起什么, 是的,所以很容易回头看那些愿意在这上面花费XYZ的人, 但如果他们有现金,好吧,我会这么说,但我还会补充, 我认为动机也很重要。Ugal 或者 Bougie,你是否试图炫耀?是的。 你是否试图向人们展示一些自豪感?对,就像,就像Bougie,显然有 一种明显的感觉,就像“哦,天哪,我需要一些好东西, 这样我就可以把它们放在社交媒体上,或者让人们对我们做的事情印象深刻, 或者你拥有的任何东西,等等。这并不好,对吧?即使你有钱,那也是真的不好。 然后还有一些人,他们非常挑剔,非常挑剔,是的。 我永远不会,哦,天哪,那些是什么?我喜欢的关于购买的引用, 如果没人看到这个购买,我仍然想要它吗?就是这样。这是一个很好的过滤器。 所以对我来说,节俭或奢华,没有对错之分,但你需要考虑你的钱, 然后思考你的动机需要有一定的健康水平,否则你可能会变得失控。 然后你如何决定在什么上花更多的钱或更少的钱,什么对你来说值得, 因为这是一个困难的问题。有些事情即使我有钱,我也会说, 嗯,这不是我关心的事情,比如咖啡。对我来说,便利性,我愿意为此付费。 你愿意为便利性付费。我愿意为质量付费。其他 是的,我不为质量付费。所以我认为你找到了你愿意花钱的东西, 只要它在预算内,就没有罪恶感,无论我花多少钱, 就像,好吧,它在预算内,计划反映了这一点,这不是冲动的, 这是有意识的,这才是重要的。你个人用什么预算类别来购买奢侈品? 所以,就像你已经制定了每一个美元的预算,你如何开始列出这些东西? 你是把所有东西都放在一个大类别里,还是你把它们分开? 你说奢侈品,那意味着什么?比如你个人的奢侈品, 就像我们今天谈到的一些,是的,但是,嗯,我有一个Rachel项目, 美甲,足疗。我有一个R项目,好的。 Rachel说,是的,那是 美妙的,是的,然后我们有一个Winston,我们的孩子们每个人都有一个, 我喜欢预算可以是你想要的任何样子,有些人想保持非常简单, 有些人想把每一笔交易都分成不同的项目,做适合你的事情, 适合你和你配偶的事情。是的,没错。所以那是一个大问题。o you differ with Winston on when it comes to spending—more or less—he is well-known for not spending a lot, but when he does, it’s a significant amount. It’s a ticket item, like he’ll buy something like an infrared sauna; yes, he did spend money, and probably, I mean, Winston rarely gets used to light items, but then he’ll randomly be like, “Hey, you know,” what I mean, like he’ll do that kind of thing—it’ll be like a big splurge randomly.

Whereas I have, like, an Amazon shipment probably four times a week, yeah, with stuff that you’re more like ankle biters—just a little, just like sprinkling here and there. Yes, I sprinkle, I sprinkle the happiness around.

Rachel, the results are in, are you ready? Oh my gosh, yes. The higher the number, the more bougie you are. Okay, okay, we’ll take it, we’ll take it. Oh boy, so nervous. Rachel’s clocking in at a 38, okay. Your boy clocked in at a 29. Rachel, you are the bougie one. I am more bougie. So, what is that? I am presenting you with a diamond-encrusted crown, and I will wear my Burger King premium Frugal Crown. Their chicken sandwiches are fantastic, there they really are.

Well, you know what I learned, um, I have a lot more respect for you, wow. Why, yeah, you know, I think just talking it out makes me understand you more. I’m like, okay, she is the way she is, yes, and this is why I am the way I am. It was just good to talk it out, yeah, just to hear different perspectives. No right or wrong, that’s what the world needs, yes. We just need to hear each other.

The truth is, there are areas I’m way more bougie for my reasons, there are areas you’re more bougie for your reasons, there are areas you’re more frugal, there are areas I’m super frugal. That’s right, and the key is we’re doing it out of our own values. That’s right, and we’re not trying to impress everyone, and we’re doing it with cash. Yes, be unique, be yourself, be unique and be on a budget.

So, be sure to check out EveryDollar, you can go to everydollar.com, George, and get started for free, or click the link in the description. That way, you can be boogie, boogie, FAL, boole, fie, whatever you want to be. The world is your oyster.

Oh, Rachel, this has been so fun. Where can people find you? You can hear on YouTube, I have a channel and podcast, the Rachel Cruise show, and all the socials, and Smart Money Happy Hour, and Smart Money Happy Hour of course with George, of course. So, if you enjoy this type of conversation, this is pretty much what happens on Smart Money Happy Hour every single.

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